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Silverweed Herb Whole (Potentilla Discolor)

$3.75 $5.62

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Silverweed Herb Whole (Potentilla discolor), known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as Bai Tou Weng (白头翁), is a bitter, cold, and detoxifying herb traditionally used to clear heat, resolve fire toxin, and cool the blood, particularly in the intestines and lower burner. This whole-herb form includes the stems, leaves, and flowers, carefully dried to retain its natural potency and cooling energetic profile.

In TCM, Bai Tou Weng is most commonly used to treat dysenteric disorders, including bloody or purulent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tenesmus caused by heat toxin invading the intestines. It is also applied in some modern formulas for inflammatory bowel conditions or bacterial imbalances, and occasionally in topical washes for skin inflammation.

When decocted, Silverweed Herb yields a strong, bitter infusion and is often paired with herbs like Huang Lian (Coptis), Qin Pi (Fraxini Cortex), and Bai Jiang Cao (Patrinia) in heat-clearing and toxin-resolving formulas.

Each batch of Silverweed Herb Whole (Potentilla discolor) is carefully harvested, dried, and preserved to ensure maximum purity and efficacy. Whether used in intestinal-cleansing decoctions, cooling herbal teas, or antimicrobial support formulas, Bai Tou Weng provides a powerful and time-honored method to clear heat, cool the blood, and support gastrointestinal balance and detoxification.

Also Known As: Fan Bai Cao, 翻白草, Silverweed Herb, Potentilla Discolor, Potentilla Herb, White-Turned Herb, Chinese Silverweed, Herba Potentillae, Discolored Cinquefoil, Herbal Fan Bai Cao, Wild Silver Cinquefoil

SKU: LA-4705

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