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Ceylon Tea (Camellia Sinensis)

$3.09 $4.64

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Ceylon Tea (Camellia sinensis) – Ceylon BOP is a fine, low-grown Sri Lankan black tea known for its rich, full-bodied character, brisk flavor, and deep, dark infusion. Harvested from tea gardens at altitudes below 1,000 feet, this Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) grade tea features finely broken leaves that brew a strong, flavorful cup with a smooth yet lively finish.

Renowned for its mellow yet robust profile, Ceylon BOP delivers a well-balanced taste with malty undertones and a hint of brightness, making it an excellent everyday black tea. Its bold character allows it to hold up well to the addition of milk, sugar, or spices, making it a preferred base for traditional chai blends and classic breakfast teas.

When brewed, Ceylon BOP Tea produces a dark amber cup with a brisk, invigorating aroma and a smooth, slightly astringent finish. Its strength and versatility make it a perfect choice for both hot and iced tea preparations.

Each batch of Ceylon Tea (Camellia sinensis) – Ceylon BOP is carefully sourced and expertly processed to maintain its authentic character and bold flavor. Whether enjoyed plain, with milk, or as a base for custom tea blends, this tea offers a classic, time-honored experience reminiscent of the teas favored in India and England for traditional chai and breakfast tea preparations.

Also Known As: Sri Lankan Black Tea, Ceylon Black Tea, Ceylon Orange Pekoe, High Grown Ceylon Tea, Low Grown Ceylon Tea, Medium Grown Ceylon Tea, Ceylon White Tea, Ceylon Green Tea, Pure Ceylon Tea, Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea

SKU: LA-4417

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